Article: Hypersensitive, Hyperfocused and Ready for ‘Hijack’: An Autistic Experience of Sensory Anxiety
Why and how do Autistic individuals experience sensory anxiety? In this article, I explore the intricate world of Autistic sensory processing differences and how monotropism shapes these experiences.

Video: Finding Autistic Wellbeing
In this video, I shared evidence-based insights into Autistic wellbeing from my own and other’s research.

Video: Interview by Tanja A. - My Autism Story, Struggles, and Strategies
In an interview hosted by Tanja A - an Autistic woman and advocate from Bulgaria - I share my Autism story, daily challenges I face, and some strategies that I use to manage my well-being.

Blog Post: Empowering Autistic Clients through Strengths-based Therapy
What is strengths-based therapy? Is it effective for Autistic people? How do we implement it properly as therapists? Read this quick Q & A guide to find out.

Article: “They Tried to Make Autism The Issue.” How Autistic Women Experience Mental Health Settings
I surveyed 200 autistic women about how they are treated by mental health professionals. A summary of some key findings are in this short article I wrote for Hire Up. The take-home message? We need to be selective when seeking support. Many mental health professionals are not appropriately trained in autism, particularly autism in women.

Podcast: Mind Your Autistic Brain Talk Show - Self Care
Thank you to Carole Jean, host of the Mind Your Autistic Brain Talk-show, for inviting me to speak in September. We had a fantastic conversation about self-care as neurodivergent women.

Video: Neurodiversity India Summit - Autism and Mental Health
This summit raises awareness of neurodiversity in India and encourages organisations to include neurodiversity as part of their diversity initiatives. I am honoured to have been invited to speak at the 2022 summit about several key mental health topics from an Autism perspective.

Article: Tips To Find The Right Job
If you are still looking for your ‘professional groove’, consider your personal strengths and what you are passionate about. Hopefully, this will help guide you into a profession that is sustainable, meaningful, and encourages you to thrive.

Article: The National Autism Strategy and Employment – Is It Enough?
Autistic individuals in Australia experience alarmingly high rates of unemployment and underemployment relative to non-autistic individuals. Part of the problem is that typical work environments do not accommodate autistic people and our needs.

Article: Love Across Neurotypes - The Beauty in Meeting Halfway
Can autistic people and non-autistic people thrive in relationships with one another, even though their experiences are often worlds apart? I share my experiences as an autistic woman with a non-autistic husband.

Blog Post: Monotropism - A Theory of Autistic Cognition
Monotropism is a theory of autism developed by autistic people. It describes our unique cognitive disposition and how this can explain common autistic traits.

Research: Mental Health Perspectives from 200 Autistic Women and Non-binary People
200 autistic women and non-binary people were surveyed about their experiences in mental health settings, their stress management strategies, and how they manage sad emotions.

Blog Post: Why I Prefer Identity-First Language
Embrace diverse autistic identities because autism can’t, now or ever, be separated from us.

Blog Post: Managing Wellbeing as an Autistic Woman
My top tips for managing wellbeing as an autistic woman.

Research: The Voices of Autistic Women and Non-binary People
144 autistic women share their experiences on traits, interests, masking, acceptance and belonging, and ableism.

Blog Post: The Double Empathy Problem and Autism Acceptance
Walk beside us, not in front of us.